Project lead: Japanese Flag Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan

In 2006, the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) of Japan initiated scientific studies for a series of in-situ experiments to

  • Develop tracer testing tools which can handle both sorbing and conservative tracer fluids
  • Develop an inverse analysis method to estimate the transport parameters from the results of in-situ tracer tests
  • Develop a methodology for characterising fractures in which the tracer test is conducted
  • Develop technology for solute migration estimation by integrating tracer testing and fracture characterisation

The technical developments are performed under a project commissioned by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) entitled Survey on geological disposal technologies (improvement of the evaluation of material transport in the geosphere). The entire project includes a number of laboratory experiments in Japan and demonstration experiments under realistic conditions at the GTS.

CRIEPI first awarded Nagra with the still ongoing CRIEPI’s - Fractured Rock Studies (C-FRS) in 2007. The C-FRS project at GTS is an external project in which Nagra acts as a contractor to the project leader CRIEPI. Nagra offers the GTS infrastructure and test site and supports the client as required in all organisational aspects and in the scientific experiments conducted on-site. For this, Nagra draws on its own staff and on a pool of contractors. A Nagra Project Manager is responsible for all operations and regularly reports back to the client.

CRIEPI’s Fractured Rock Studies - Staff
Japanese research teams and GTS staff at the C-FRS site. Photo: comet.

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CRIEPI’s Fractured Rock Studies - C-FRS