CRR Phase 1 activities
Task 1: Preliminary calculations/review
- 1a Solubility, speciation and retardation of dissolved radionuclides in the experimental shear zone were predicted by means of geochemical and coupled (geochemical / transport) codes.
- 1aa Microbial surface complexion modelling.
- 1b The stability of 'near-field' colloidal suspensions in different types of bentonite/host rock interface groundwaters was predicted (see also Task 2). Existing data on natural colloid populations at the site were evaluated.
- 1c The stability of radiocolloids was predicted (literature study).
- 1d Calculations of the flow-field conditions and transport simulations, based on different flow field geometries, were carried out.
Task 2: Detailed & long-term laboratory experiments
- 2a In-situ solubility of radionuclides was determined from batch experiments. Kd values for the radionuclides were determined in Grimsel groundwater in contact with different solids.
- 2b The stability of near-field derived colloids (e.g. bentonite colloids) in the experimental shear zone was assessed.
- 2c The stability of radiocolloids was investigated in the lab, involving batch experiments with ZrO2.
- 2d Flow and transport in simulated or actual shear zone core, investigating dissolved solute, colloid, and rock interactions over time periods comparable to the duration of the field test, were initiated.
- 2e The interaction of tracers with the downhole equipment was tested.
- 2f On-line colloid detection of colloids was refined.
Task 3: Field work
- 3a New boreholes were drilled into the MI shear zone and hydraulic and uranine tracer tests were performed.
- 3b Groundwater samples for microbial identifications were taken and analysed.
- 3c In-situ water sampling was carried out in order to better define the natural colloid population of the Grimsel groundwater.
Task 4: Conceptual modelling
- 4 Existing data on the shear zone flow system are integrated with the Phase I results to define the detailed design for the in-situ test. The conceptual model will be continuously updated and revised as new data are generated in the field and in the laboratory.
Colloid and Radionuclide Retardation Experiment - Experimental Approach