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Natural Analogues: References
Alexander, W.R. (Ed.). 1992. A natural analogue study of cement-buffered hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a sedimentary host rock - I: Source-term description and geochemical code database validation. NAGRA Technical Report Series (NTB 91-10), Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
Alexander, W.R. and Mazurek, M. (1996). The Maqarin natural analogue: possible implications for the performance of a cementitious repository at Wellenberg. Nagra Unpublished Internal Report, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland.
Alexander W. R., G.Kamei, J.A.T.Smellie (2005) A natural analogue of a cementitious repository: a brief overview of a study of unique sites in Jordan. Proc. IAEA Conf. Waste Manag., 2-6 October, 2005, Tokyo, Japan. IAEA Technical Report, 304, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
Khoury H.N.; Salameh E.; Mazurek M.; Alexander W.R. (1998): Geology and Hydrogeology of the Maqarin Area. Chapter 2.- Maqarin natural analogue study: Phase III: Volume I and II., Smellie J.A.T. (ed.), Technical Report TR 98-04, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management (SKB), Stockholm, 39-70.
Linklater, C.M. (Ed.), 1998. A natural analogue study of cement buffered, hyperalkaline groundwaters and their interaction with a repository host rock II. Nirex Report no. S/98/003, UKNirex, Harwell, Oxon., UK.
Milodowski A.E.; Khoury H.N.; Mäder U. [et al.] (2001): Mineralogical alteration by hyperalkaline groundwater in northern Jordan.- Water-Rock Interaction: Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on water-rock interaction WRI-10, Villasimius, Italy 10-15 July 2001 / Ed. R.Cidu, Lisse [et al], 1347-1350.
Saines M.; Dickson P.; Lambert P. (1980): An occurrence of calcium hydroxide ground water in Jordan.- Groundwater 18 / 5, 503.
Savage D. (1996): Zeolite occurrence, stability and behaviour : a contribution to phase 3 of the Jordan Natural Analogue Project. IG 3779-1 Version 2. Intera Information Technologies, Leicestershire.
Savage D. (1998): Zeolite occurrence, stability and behaviour. Chapter 8.- Maqarin natural analogue study: Phase III: Volume I and II., Smellie J.A.T. (ed.), Technical Report TR 98-04, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management (SKB), Stockholm, 281-306.
Savage, D., Rueedi, J., Gaus, I. (2010): The use of natural systems data in modelling cement-rock interactions.- Nuclear waste management : Research challenges for the future. Cambridge, 28-29 September 2010.
Shao, H., Kosakowski, G., Berner, U., Kulik, D. A., Maeder, U. and Kolditz, O (2013): Reactive transport modeling of the clogging process at Marqarin natural analogue site. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, in-press.
Smellie, J.A.T. (Ed.), 1998. Maqarin natural analogue project: Phase III. SKB Technical Report (TR 98-04, Vols I and II), SKB, Stockholm, Sweden.
Smellie J.A.T. (ed.) (2000): Maqarin natural analogue project : Phase IV : Reconnaissance mission report (April 28th to May 7th, 1999). SKB Report R-00-34. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management, Stockholm.
Further Reading
The material cited above, while open, has a somewhat restricted circulation. Interested readers may also find further information on the project in:
Alexander, W.R. (1995) Natural cements: How can they help us safely dispose of radioactive waste? Radwaste Magazine 2, vol 5, Sept. 1995, pp 61-69.
Alexander, W.R., Dayal, R., Eagleson, K., Eikenberg, J., Hamilton, E., Linklater, C.M, McKinley, I.G. and Tweed, C.J. (1992) A natural analogue of high pH cement pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan II: results of predictive geochemical calculations. J. Geochem. Explor. 46, pp l33-146.
Barnes, I., Presser, T.S, Saines, M., Dickson, P. and Koster van Groos, A.F. (1982) Geochemistry of highly basic calcium hydroxide groundwater in Jordan. Chem. Geol. 35, pp147-154.
Chambers, A.V. (1994) Use of the quasi-stationary state approximation to determine the migration of mineral alteration zones at a natural analogue for the disturbed zone of a cementitious radioactive waste repository. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XVIII, pp 639-644
Clark, I.D., Dayal, R. and Khoury, H.N. (1994) The Maqarin (Jordan) natural analogue for 14-C attenuation in cementitious barriers. Waste Manag. 14, pp 467-477.
Kattan, Z. (1995) Chemical and environmental isotope study of the fissured basaltic aquifer systems of Yarmouk Basin (Syria).IAEA-SM/336/28, IAEA Int. Symp. Isot. Wat. Res. Manag. (Vienna, March 20-24, 1995).Khoury, H.N. and Nassir, S. (1982) High temperature mineralisation in the Maqarin area, north Jordan. Neues Jahrb. Miner. Abh. 144, pp 197-213.
Khoury, H.N., Salameh, E. and Abdul-Jaber, Q. (1985) Characteristics of an unusual highly alkaline water from the Maqarin area, Northern Jordan. J. Hydrol. 81, pp 79-91.
Khoury, H.N., E.Salameh, I.D.Clark, P.Fritz, W.Bajjali, A.E.Milodowski, M.R.Cave and W.R.Alexander (1992) A natural analogue of high pH coment pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan I: introduction to the site. J. Geochem. Explor. 46, pp ll7-132.
Linklater, C.M., Y.Albinsson, W.R.Alexander, I.Casas, I.G.McKinley and P.Sellin (1996) A natural analogue of high pH cement pore waters from the Maqarin area of northern Jordan: comparison of predicted and observed trace element chemistry of uranium and selenium. J.Contam. Hydrol. 21, pp 59-69.
McKinley, I.G. and Alexander, W.R., (1992) A review of the use of natural analogues to test performance assessment models of a cementitious near field. Waste Manag. 12, pp 253-259.
Saines, M., Dickson, P and Lambert, P. (1980) An occurrence of calcium hydroxide groundwater in Jordan. Groundwater 18, p 503.
Smellie, J.A.T., Karlsson, F. and Alexander, W.R., (1997) Natural analogue studies: present status and performance assessment implications. J.Contam. Hydrol. 26, pp 3-18.
Tweed, C.J and Milodowski, A..E (1994) An overview of the Maqarin natural analogue project - a natural analogue study of a hyperalkaline cement groundwater system. in H.von Maravic and J.A.T.Smellie (editors), 5th NAWG Workshop, Toledo, Spain, 5-9 October, 1992, CEC EUR 15176 EN, Brussels, Belgium.
West, J.M., Coombs, P., Gardner, S.J. and Rochelle, C.A. (1995) The microbiology of the Maqarin site, Jordan. A natural analogue for cementitious radioactive waste repositories. Sci. Basis Nucl. Waste Manag. XVIII, pp 181-189.
Long-Term Cement Studies (LCS) Experiment