The project is split into three phases. The first phase was focusing on the selection of reliable equipment and the development of feasible monitoring concepts for long-term monitoring and the provision of reliable modelling tools and databases. Building on the experiences of the first phase, the second phase aimed at monitoring the behaviour of high-pH plumes over several years and further improving the modelling tools to provide the necessary long-term predictions for repository safety assessments.
The objective of the third phase is to improve the understanding of the hydraulic field and to overcore the in-situ experiments. After the overcoring, a detailed chemical and mineralogical analysis of the sample will allow to understand better the interactions between the high-pH plume and the granitic host rock and fracture. At the same time, the modelling teams improve their simulations of the in-situ test with data from the online monitoring, and the laboratory program improves the understanding of the processes.
Long-Term Cement Studies (LCS) Experiment