As part of Phase 2 of the LTD project, a second in-situ experiment has been excavated and is currently undergoing long-term pressure monitoring. During the recent LTD partner meeting in Mizunami, Japan on 27-28th May 2010 the LTD partners selected H-3, Cl-36, Na-22, Ba-133 and Cs-134 as well as stable Se(VI) for use in the second long-term in-situ diffusion test. Several criteria were used in the selection including length of half-lives, safety aspects, feasibility, results from the first in-situ experiment as well as the need to study of more safety relevant species namely Cl-36 and Se. Other work packages in Phase 2 include mock-up lab tests to study Cl-36, H-3 and Se and the application of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to give insight into heterogeneities of diffusive transport away from a fracture in order to help provide experimental evidence quantifying effective surface area (used for safety assessment).
LTD partner meeting hosted by JAEA in Mizunami, Japan 27th – 28th May 2010. The meeting included a visit to JAEA's underground research laboratory (MIU) in granite. From left to right are Akira Hayano and Yukio Tachi (JAEA), Jussi Ikonen and Marja Siitari-Kauppi (University of Helsinki), Vaclava Havlova (NRI) and Andrew Martin (Nagra).
Long Term Diffusion project (LTD) Experiment